For EMERGENCIES - call 911
Police and Fire Phone NUmbers (Non-Emergency)
Police Department: 803-515-3500
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 803-252-2911
Fire Department: 803-545-3700
other resources
Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons - comprehensive services to victims; completely free and confidential: 803-649-0480 (24/7 crisis hotline)
Homeless No More - emergency shelter for families for up to 30 days each, keeps the entire family together, including fathers and boys over age 12: 803-256-3999
LRADAC - provides substance abuse prevention, intervention, & treatment: 803-726-9390 (24/7)
Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc (MIRCI) - Provides intensive behavioral health care interventions & support, for mentally ill, including unhoused; 8:30-5; provides for youth ages 17 to 24 years old: 803-939-2643
Mutual Aid Midlands - mutual aid, food, medicine, rides, resources for food and rental assistance: 888-927-6679
My Sister’s House - Domestic violence shelter for women & children, programs including counseling, court advocacy, and educational programming: 1-800-273-4673
Oliver Gospel Mission - emergency men’s shelter open 24/7, housing up to 30 days: 803-254-6470
Pathways to Healing (formerly Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands) - advocates for victims and survivors & educates community on prevention, 12+ years old: 803-771-7273 (24/7 crisis hotline)
SC211 dial 211 - non-emergency line, resource for referrals, over the phone crisis management,
non-disclosure: 803-733-5408 OR 866-892-9211 (toll-free)
SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center - legal advocate for low-income South Carolinians on issues such as health care, immigration, reentry issues, housing, education, hunger, public benefits, domestic violence, and consumer issues: 803-779-1113
Sistercare - services for domestic violence survivors and children: 803-765-9428 (24/7 hotline)
South Carolina Victims Assistance Network - provides resources, referrals and advocacy for crime victims: 803-750-1200
Transitions Homeless Center - emergency shelter, long-term programming & food, serves men & women over 18: 803-708-4861